Ralston Gallery was founded in 2011 by Peter and Terri Ralston. Nestled in the heart of Rockport village, literally a stone’s throw from the harbor, the gallery is primarily dedicated to exhibiting Peter's work as well as the limited work of Andrew and Jamie Wyeth.
Ralston Gallery doubles as Peter’s printing and writing studio, from which he can look down and, at high tide, see RAVEN on her mooring.
We welcome visitors and are particularly kid and dog friendly. We have a Lab pup, Jenny, who is very friendly and shares her treats with visitors.
We live only a one minute drive from the gallery and one of us, or our assistant, is always around so if you give us a call we can virtually always accommodate “off-hour” visits. Similarly, if you give us a call in advance of your visit we can make sure the appropriate person is here when you arrive. Again, we are not beholden to our “official” schedule.