Peter Ralston's photography explores and celebrates the two defining characteristics of Maine's coast and islands: the beauty, of course, but - more tellingly - the character of the communities and working waterfronts.
Ralston Gallery is located in Rockport, Maine, at the head of the harbor.
“Like the good fishermen, I’ve had to know my territory and respect the rules, be ready to take a few calculated risks when it felt right, look people in the eye, keep the gear as simple as possible, get out early & come in late, watch the sky and, above all, respect the people and place where I work.
Like my fishing friends I have spent many long hours, usually alone, often with nothing to show for a lot of work but a sense of having been there and having tried, going over the same ground again and again, often disappointed, occasionally coming back with a worthy catch to show for the endless investment of what Melville referred to in Moby Dick as ‘Time, Strength, Cash and Patience.’”
— Peter Ralston